Alivia Paige Moylan

The Livi Strong Foundation was created in memory of Alivia “Livi” Moylan, a seventh grade honor student and athlete at Whitesboro Middle School, who tragically lost her life in a four-wheeler accident on May 24th, 2020. Alivia had a zest and enthusiasm for life that touched everyone around her. She was a determined student, athlete and friend who strived to excel in all that she did. She participated in AYSO soccer, the Mohawk Valley Elite basketball team and was so proud to make her school’s soccer and basketball teams as a 7th grader. Alivia always gave 110% and wanted to be the best teammate that she could be. She truly enjoyed the comradery of being on sports teams and supporting her teammates. Alivia‘s enthusiasm extended to her membership as a Junior Auxiliary member of Post 1113 Whitestown Legion, where she gave countless hours of volunteer service. Alivia was also a true animal lover and would help any animal in need. She loved spending lazy days with her dog Bailey and dreamed of one day becoming a veterinarian.